Well, Cyprus has officially reopened the banks, and with armed mercenaries looking on, the people are queuing to take out what they can of their money and attempting to live another day in the new, kleptocractic, paradise of the banker-run, European Union. Welcome to slavery, drones!
Meanwhile in America, the usual suspects continue to make public statements and attempts to grab ever-more state power that leave no one confused as to their agenda: a similar fate for the citizens of the United States.
Whether it's the 85B a month in funny money being pumped out by the Federal Reserve, or the gun-grabs and dietary laws of NYC's favorite fascist criminals, there appears to be no one in a position of authority or influence anywhere in the Western world that cares to give even a public milksop of concern for the rule of law, the limits of governance, or the rights of citizenry. The naked, criminal, arrogance of comments such as: "if the people's rights conflict with the desires of government, then the people must accept the removal of their rights," shows the financial class cares not a whit for anyone other than themselves--and it's time for their forcible removal from our society.
The reason government can't or won't fix this crime spree is simple and twofold: first, they're paid off and quite frankly, any power they can grab is beneficial to them, so they care not for the rule of laws that they expect the rest of us to live under. Second, in order for government to affect real, and some could argue necessary, changes in our society, there's a lawful process that any valid government would have to use. In America, this process is deliberately biased against such changes, and so our current batch of would-be aristocracy see it as far easier to abrogate legal restraints and rule by force and crime. These very criminal acts, however, render their desired outcomes almost impossible to obtain.
Why? Because the United States has a long history of doing end runs around the law if it benefits the majority. Beginning with the Whiskey Rebellion, the Erie Canal, and even the Constitution itself--which was nothing more than a counter-revolution by the moneyed interests, fearful of their loss of power--these acts, though openly criminal under standing law, where deliberated and carried out by administrations that were both HONEST and CREDIBLE with their populace at large about both what they were actually doing, and why they were doing it.
So, today we have the corporate-run state, that never wishes to admit that it's exactly that, committing felonies at a rate unprecedented in modern history, all while churning out endless propaganda to the contrary and using bloody murder and threats like drunken pirates pillaging a seaport. They should have learned from Machiavelli, that mercenaries only bring slow, stubborn, and uncertain victories, and quick and disastrous defeats (you think they would know Niccolo's advice). An administration, financial system, or military that has lost credibility with it's people, will not and cannot succeed.
So, desperately flailing around, these monsters build a Nazi-control-State, that Hitler could have never dreamed of. Ignoring the clear lessons of history yet again, that any centralized, dictatorial state is both inherently unstable, and doomed to failure, period.
There are good arguments for some very basic changes in our society, but criminals running around with threats of violence and armed thuggery ain't gonna make it happen. It's been tried, beyond counting, and has ALWAYS FAILED. Such a state neither succeeds in it's aims, nor long survives, because without credibility and the rule of law, the people will never support the survival of the state. As your Nazi predecessors discovered, slaves are the worst types of laborers, and police states are not viable organisms. Protecting one class's property, while robbing another of theirs, running a state with two sets of laws, attempting to require participation and sacrifice from one group of citizens, while giving special privileges and excusing another group's crimes, rots a society from the foundations up. Once credibility is lost, I know of no method by which a government or financial system can regain the voluntary participation of the rest of society, without a resulting, public, bloodletting that purges the oligarchy from the system.
Let us hope that despite the current crimes of Cyprus and the soon-to-be similar acts in other states, including the U.S.A., that those with their hands controlling the levers of power get wise to the facts of the situation, and reform this current, globalist, fiasco, before it's too late.
Do you think Americans would resist restricting firearms or disarming, if their government and financial sectors where trustworthy and transparent? Do you think Monsanto and other GMO companies would face the plethora of barriers being erected against them around the Western world? Do you think social questions like same-sex marriage would be so violently divisive if all sides believed they were both equally respected and actively represented?
If America is to survive; those in positions of influence must clean house with the same rules they expect the rest of the people to live by, nothing else will salvage this nation.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Cyprus: The Beginning of the End?
Yesterday I wrote about the abuses of the corporate and financial classes and how those abuses were linked to the degradation of labour, and the neo-colonialism of urban centers against the rest of the country. Hard on my heels came the story out of Cyprus, of non-representative, government criminals and IMF style, globalist, banker-trash attempting to steal private property at gunpoint to pay government debts. No better example of the rigged system we now live in, where private-corporate interests openly use government's armed coercion to ensure their profits, so there is no free-market, they keep the profits, and we pay their debts and losses.
It is time for the EU, Britain, and America to wake up. March armed troops into these banks and arrest these Nazis (for nothing so represents nazism as the corporate owned state), break up these banks and take back full control of our respective, national currencies and economies. It is also time for a referendum on globalist, internationalist, non-representative, and non-accountable state organs--these statist, fascist, criminals have spouted their blather for seventy-odd years now--and the only thing globalism has accomplished is massive death, illegal wars and suffering, and the rape and theft of private property and individual freedom across the globe. These folks should be rounded up, tried at the Hague, and exterminated like their National Socialist brethren before them. These criminals must go.
International banking/finance, as its called, is a global criminal enterprise whereby a closed-system of privately-held corporations get to manipulate national economies and currencies for their own best use and personal profit. Since the emergence of these financial institutions, we seen the same thing wherever they set up shop: massive devaluation of national currency, inflationary/deflationary cycles, profiteering, wars for profits and resources, rising outlaw police states and the destruction of effective governance. These banker trash must be removed from human society.
Now is the time.
It is time for the EU, Britain, and America to wake up. March armed troops into these banks and arrest these Nazis (for nothing so represents nazism as the corporate owned state), break up these banks and take back full control of our respective, national currencies and economies. It is also time for a referendum on globalist, internationalist, non-representative, and non-accountable state organs--these statist, fascist, criminals have spouted their blather for seventy-odd years now--and the only thing globalism has accomplished is massive death, illegal wars and suffering, and the rape and theft of private property and individual freedom across the globe. These folks should be rounded up, tried at the Hague, and exterminated like their National Socialist brethren before them. These criminals must go.
International banking/finance, as its called, is a global criminal enterprise whereby a closed-system of privately-held corporations get to manipulate national economies and currencies for their own best use and personal profit. Since the emergence of these financial institutions, we seen the same thing wherever they set up shop: massive devaluation of national currency, inflationary/deflationary cycles, profiteering, wars for profits and resources, rising outlaw police states and the destruction of effective governance. These banker trash must be removed from human society.
Now is the time.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
On the abuse of labour and property
"They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work."
Once the unofficial motto of the laboring classes of the Soviet Union, and now in full effect in the United States.
The degradation of labour was the first step. Now people reply with comments like, "you don't REALLY think a gas station attendant is worth $15 dollars an hour, do you?"
Yes, I do. You see a laborer must earn sufficiently to provide his daily needs from his daily work--the business communities not only continue to set record earnings, but have their costs and losses externalized onto the same community they undercut in myriad ways; from importation of illegal labour to theft of earnings and benefits, to ever-increasing confiscation of profits by administrative classes, who neither own nor founded said companies.
Rush Limbaugh once said, "if you don't allow illegals to work in California, you'll have to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce." Well guess what? If that's the true cost of lettuce, that's what you should be paying.
We were told that the shrinking populace of the first-world would result in increasing wages and rising productivity as the markets were forced to pay for scarcer labour, instead, business used government to circumvent the system and found that having consumers and taxpayers pay their costs made profiteering that much more profitable.
Screw the system, why should any worker support it? The sooner this mess collapses, the more suffering said collapse creates, the better off we'll be in the long run. Removing the pseudo-aristocracy from power and reestablishing traditional markets and labour roles, removing the colonization of rural America by the metropole (and the resulting destruction and reorganization of said regions), a la Detroit, and the resulting freedom from coerced theft of resources and labour by the masses in the cities on the rest of us.
Quite frankly, the very nature of work has changed. This would not be bad in and of itself, but the ruling powers have decided to milk it for their own enrichment, while screwing the populace. Meanwhile, most of these people neither produce their own goods nor own their own resources--they steal them at gunpoint, externalizing the costs onto rural areas that they exploit. Then, to add insult to injury, they dump their wastes, undercut market prices and wages, and generally use armed force and rigged government to ensure their continuing criminal enterprises.
Death to the lot of them, there is no US in U.S.A. As for those of you who would attempt to disprove my opinion, I turn to the example of ownership currently in vogue in America: to wit, a corporate entity owns its property (physical, intellectual, capital), quite securely and under force of law, while the individuals' property is not only his, only so long as he pays the state to keep it, but can be taken for any reason, under any color of law or necessity the state sees fit, INCLUDING giving your property to one of these private, for-profit interests, at a rate THE STATE determines, not the market--for THEM to profit from, at gunpoint if necessary.
The U.S.A. can't die fast enough.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Are You Being Manipulated?
Wow, the media on both sides of the fence is continuing to push their favorites, with no signs of abating anytime soon. So today I thought I'd write some observations on just what they do from the perspective of someone whose watched them for the last half century now.
Let's start with the status quo boys on the "progressive" side. They represent the current in-fashion, and in-power, grouping of greed and murder that's running the organs of state in America; or in other words, the socially acceptable criminals. What they wish to do, supposedly, is to force through some very badly needed reformation in our current social contract. What they are doing, however, is merely reinforcing the crimes of their pet interests in open violation of law and custom. Thinking themselves superior to the rest of the masses, and needing what you have to stay alive since they produce almost nothing of actual value, they consider a slave state to be just fine and dandy, as long as their the ruling class and not the slaves. To accomplish this they'll rig any institution, lie, steal, murder, and block legal redress--all for the team, you know.
The problems with attempting to change the American social contract are twofold: one, the mechanisms that are lawfully available are prejudiced against making changes to the most basic rights and freedoms of Americans, and two, to do so lawfully requires a majority of citizens to agree to do so. These obstacles make these kinds of changes almost impossible to achieve, though we have done so, even if it took a civil war and a major civil rights movement to accomplish most of them. Where these folks have gone off the rails is, they now have attempted to create a monopoly of force under the control of a tiny portion of the national state which would allow them to make any such desired changes literally at gunpoint to the head of Americans, and if it takes armed, criminal, state thugs breaking into private homes, using murder and threats to grow their monopoly on power, well that's just fine by them ( gotta break those eggs to make that New Deal omelet, eh Stalinistas?).
The courts, law enforcement, and legislatures have done little to protect the country, preferring to sell out for power and toys. I guess Santayana was right, since the final result of any nation which goes down this road is well known, and the retaliation is catastrophic; think Mussolini hanging by his heels, or former Party leaders being burned while hanging from lamp posts. To counter this, these historical optimists, have devised a new, technologically advanced "control grid," that they seem to think will empower their new Gestapo while the people fill the prison camps, chain any dissenters, and dig the mass graves for their own children. Of course the elites will live as any good ruling class should, and their Brownshirts will too.
Do you see the narrative yet? From discussing the intentions and abuses of the Left, we have suddenly arrived at the reactionary narrative used by the so-called Right; one that's replayed a hundred times a day in the mass media and the new media, by folks who are getting quite rich from it. Meanwhile, several of these self-defined upholders of the American way, are in reality paid outlets for propaganda financed by private corporate interests, or in some cases, governments both those allied and those opposed to the United States and our current Constitutional freedoms and limitations.
Both counter to, and existing with that narrative is one of resistance and violent revolution. Civil War is coming, from anytime now to within the next one-hundred years, according to this narrative. This storyline is very compelling for firing up opposition and selling lots of stuff (and after all, that's a big part of all these narratives), and making folks on this side of the aisle, also very rich.
So let us turn off the cacophony of the useless media (it's for profit too, in case you've somehow forgotten, and in no way actually interested in truth or discourse), and discuss the impetus for most of this rancor in a few, short lines of prose.
The so-named Left, wants some things that are probably very necessary for American society to advance and become more free, more tolerant, and more honest. They fail in that you cannot attempt to do so in a free society by gaming, cheating, or robbing the country to accomplish those changes. These are crimes, and criminals deserve punishment, not accommodation. While we're on it, we cannot be a nation of two-sets of laws: either we have law or we do not, and ALL CITIZENS, despite their position or status, must be subject to the same laws and enforcement thereof. When we see this taking place, the legitimacy of the left's ideas will be greatly improved and find much more public acceptance for change.
The so-named Right, has beat the dead horse of armed resistance for the last half-century, the war's not coming--Americans fought an entire series of wars to get to the point we wouldn't have to fight our neighbors to resolve our differences, so despite all the private arms, and revolutionary rhetoric, I can say quite honestly, give it up, it ain't happening, because we're Americans and we don't kill each other so some idiot in public office can get richer or get their way. If the Right wants to see its badly damaged credentials restored in the eyes of the American public and the world, the answer's the same as for their opponents: ONE LAW, AND EQUALITY OF THAT LAW. There's been an entire slew of crimes committed against Americans by other Americans who hold positions of state authority. These criminals must be chased down, caught, and punished with the same fervor we use to pursue other types of criminals. The idea that holding an office or a badge gives you some level of immunity is disgusting, you commit the crime, you swing for it. NO EXCEPTIONS, every perp's got an excuse, tell yours to the jury before we sentence to life swinging a hammer at some rocks, thug.
So, President Obama came out this week saying he wants to end gridlock in national government and move America forward. Really Mr. President? When will the criminals who worked in the former administration ever see prosecution? How about the ones in YOUR ADMINISTRATION?
America has long ago lost the rule of law. What's most likely to occur now is neither an overwhelming fascist state, nor armed revolt. What's most likely to occur is the complete degradation and eventual piecemeal destruction of the nation, and eventually, even the vultures currently fattening themselves so efficiently will have to move on somewhere else--Europe perhaps, or maybe Africa, as "they" have already begun the next round of colonial expansion there--but for all involved here in America, left or right, none of you will be ones who get their way at the others' expense.
Everyone I've ever heard promoting some kind of stratified, authoritarian, state, always thinks their kids will be the ones at the top of said state. I'll tell you right now, lefty, righty, NONE OF YOUR KIDS are in line for the top of the coming state.
I would suggest you wake up and once again install the rule of law in America, before your children reap the consequences of your violence, hubris, and greed.
As the old saying goes, "No one here get's out alive."
Let's start with the status quo boys on the "progressive" side. They represent the current in-fashion, and in-power, grouping of greed and murder that's running the organs of state in America; or in other words, the socially acceptable criminals. What they wish to do, supposedly, is to force through some very badly needed reformation in our current social contract. What they are doing, however, is merely reinforcing the crimes of their pet interests in open violation of law and custom. Thinking themselves superior to the rest of the masses, and needing what you have to stay alive since they produce almost nothing of actual value, they consider a slave state to be just fine and dandy, as long as their the ruling class and not the slaves. To accomplish this they'll rig any institution, lie, steal, murder, and block legal redress--all for the team, you know.
The problems with attempting to change the American social contract are twofold: one, the mechanisms that are lawfully available are prejudiced against making changes to the most basic rights and freedoms of Americans, and two, to do so lawfully requires a majority of citizens to agree to do so. These obstacles make these kinds of changes almost impossible to achieve, though we have done so, even if it took a civil war and a major civil rights movement to accomplish most of them. Where these folks have gone off the rails is, they now have attempted to create a monopoly of force under the control of a tiny portion of the national state which would allow them to make any such desired changes literally at gunpoint to the head of Americans, and if it takes armed, criminal, state thugs breaking into private homes, using murder and threats to grow their monopoly on power, well that's just fine by them ( gotta break those eggs to make that New Deal omelet, eh Stalinistas?).
The courts, law enforcement, and legislatures have done little to protect the country, preferring to sell out for power and toys. I guess Santayana was right, since the final result of any nation which goes down this road is well known, and the retaliation is catastrophic; think Mussolini hanging by his heels, or former Party leaders being burned while hanging from lamp posts. To counter this, these historical optimists, have devised a new, technologically advanced "control grid," that they seem to think will empower their new Gestapo while the people fill the prison camps, chain any dissenters, and dig the mass graves for their own children. Of course the elites will live as any good ruling class should, and their Brownshirts will too.
Do you see the narrative yet? From discussing the intentions and abuses of the Left, we have suddenly arrived at the reactionary narrative used by the so-called Right; one that's replayed a hundred times a day in the mass media and the new media, by folks who are getting quite rich from it. Meanwhile, several of these self-defined upholders of the American way, are in reality paid outlets for propaganda financed by private corporate interests, or in some cases, governments both those allied and those opposed to the United States and our current Constitutional freedoms and limitations.
Both counter to, and existing with that narrative is one of resistance and violent revolution. Civil War is coming, from anytime now to within the next one-hundred years, according to this narrative. This storyline is very compelling for firing up opposition and selling lots of stuff (and after all, that's a big part of all these narratives), and making folks on this side of the aisle, also very rich.
So let us turn off the cacophony of the useless media (it's for profit too, in case you've somehow forgotten, and in no way actually interested in truth or discourse), and discuss the impetus for most of this rancor in a few, short lines of prose.
The so-named Left, wants some things that are probably very necessary for American society to advance and become more free, more tolerant, and more honest. They fail in that you cannot attempt to do so in a free society by gaming, cheating, or robbing the country to accomplish those changes. These are crimes, and criminals deserve punishment, not accommodation. While we're on it, we cannot be a nation of two-sets of laws: either we have law or we do not, and ALL CITIZENS, despite their position or status, must be subject to the same laws and enforcement thereof. When we see this taking place, the legitimacy of the left's ideas will be greatly improved and find much more public acceptance for change.
The so-named Right, has beat the dead horse of armed resistance for the last half-century, the war's not coming--Americans fought an entire series of wars to get to the point we wouldn't have to fight our neighbors to resolve our differences, so despite all the private arms, and revolutionary rhetoric, I can say quite honestly, give it up, it ain't happening, because we're Americans and we don't kill each other so some idiot in public office can get richer or get their way. If the Right wants to see its badly damaged credentials restored in the eyes of the American public and the world, the answer's the same as for their opponents: ONE LAW, AND EQUALITY OF THAT LAW. There's been an entire slew of crimes committed against Americans by other Americans who hold positions of state authority. These criminals must be chased down, caught, and punished with the same fervor we use to pursue other types of criminals. The idea that holding an office or a badge gives you some level of immunity is disgusting, you commit the crime, you swing for it. NO EXCEPTIONS, every perp's got an excuse, tell yours to the jury before we sentence to life swinging a hammer at some rocks, thug.
So, President Obama came out this week saying he wants to end gridlock in national government and move America forward. Really Mr. President? When will the criminals who worked in the former administration ever see prosecution? How about the ones in YOUR ADMINISTRATION?
America has long ago lost the rule of law. What's most likely to occur now is neither an overwhelming fascist state, nor armed revolt. What's most likely to occur is the complete degradation and eventual piecemeal destruction of the nation, and eventually, even the vultures currently fattening themselves so efficiently will have to move on somewhere else--Europe perhaps, or maybe Africa, as "they" have already begun the next round of colonial expansion there--but for all involved here in America, left or right, none of you will be ones who get their way at the others' expense.
Everyone I've ever heard promoting some kind of stratified, authoritarian, state, always thinks their kids will be the ones at the top of said state. I'll tell you right now, lefty, righty, NONE OF YOUR KIDS are in line for the top of the coming state.
I would suggest you wake up and once again install the rule of law in America, before your children reap the consequences of your violence, hubris, and greed.
As the old saying goes, "No one here get's out alive."
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